Nueva Jersey es ya tercera área de transporte de USA que utiliza equipos Ultravioleta como los de E. Vila Projects para desinfectar los autobuses y vehículos de pasajeros así como las oficinas.
En la primera fase incorpora 150 equipos de tecnología Ultravioleta de la banda C , con estudios de eficiencia como los usados por E. Vila Projects.
En palabras del CEO de la compañía, “ la empresa de transportes de Nueva Jersey está buscando siempre la mejor solución para sus pasajeros”
Extracto de la nota de prensa
….NJ Transit is the third metro area transit agency to either deploy or investigate UV technology. NYC Transit was the first agency to use UV technology in May to disinfect subway car and bus interiors by deploying 150 units in a pilot program that was reviewed by Columbia University, accord to MTA officials.
PATH also is investigating use of UV light to sanitize its fleet of rail cars, officials said. Now both PATH and NJ Transit use disinfectants and sanitizers and concentrate efforts on place people frequently touch.
“NJ Transit is always looking to be on the cutting edge of technology,” said Kevin Corbett, NJ Transit President and CEO in a prepared statement. “As we prepare for our customers’ return to the system, it is incumbent upon us to explore every cleaning and disinfecting option available.”